Inactive members

Inactive members is happy to work with the following members in the past and they continue to remain our friends and would like to continue working with them in the future.

  • Kifah Meeran
  • Muzzafar Auhamed
  • Bruno Bernard
  • Nathan Mangar
  • Alex Bissessur
  • Kheshav Sewnundun
  • Luna Ramen
  • Madhvi Partab
  • Avi Soomirthee
  • Bagha Charaduth
  • Darshan Narain
  • Josh Naiken
  • Sheetal Sawaram
  • Nigel Young
  • Rahul Shivanadan
  • Chandish Daiboo
  • Heervesh Lallbahadur
  • Vreeshini Mohan
  • Neel Gopaul
  • Tanesh Chuckowree
  • Ali Ackbar Mauloo
  • Codarren Velvindron
  • Serge Parfait Gomas
  • Deelvesh Bunjun